Program Coordinator

Program Coordinator

Would you like some of your time freed up? Do you already have a team and show in place and just need someone to coordinate and keep progress on track? Do you need help from scratch putting a team together and coordinating the show? 

As program coordinator, JR can help in any of these situations. He will provide structure and production timelines that account for all phases of the process from show planning to design implementation to putting the show on the field or floor. He will coordinate the various aspects of design, maintain communication with and between all designers and most importantly, ensure the show is programmed cohesively and all aspects of the design support each other and the overall story.

JR will work closely and diligently with you and your design team to ensure everyone understands their responsibilities and time frames within which to work. He will also keep in communication with any outside vendors providing services for your program such as band/guard uniforms, flags, props and anything else that is required for your show to be successful.

If all you need is help with getting started and the initial planning, JR has processes and plans to help get you started on the right path. All you will need to do is stick to the plan and process for a (relatively) stress-free season.  

The level of involvement required may vary depending on your program’s goals and needs. 

Contact JR for inquiries on how he can help get your vison from inside your head, onto the field.
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